Making Space for Inspiration | Why Church Design Matters in Ministry

$ 29.00


Making Space for Inspiration | Why Church Design Matters in Ministry

Entering a Different Conversation About Church Buildings

Throughout history, the church building has stood out as a beautiful, sacred place in our communities. Yet today, the look and feel of Christian churches has taken a turn in many cases to the ordinary, mundane or even … ugly.

Considered the “house of God,” church buildings should reflect the heart of Christ and speak to the purpose of every believer. 

That’s why Barna has partnered with Aspen Group to help leaders reimagine ministry through the lens of meaningful design. The result is a series called Making Space: Why Church Design Matters in Ministry, which includes:

Vol. 1 — Making Space for Inspiration
Vol. 2 — Making Space for Community
Vol. 3 — Making Space for Formation

This first volume sets the foundation, looking at ways people connect with spiritual and everyday spaces. Just as a visitor might journey through your church building, we start with an overview of the feelings and perceptions people might bring with them into a space and what the Church can learn from this.

What does it look like to design beautiful spaces that evoke a sense of transcendence and connection to the divine?

We invite you to join us in exploring how places of worship, including your own church, might be used to inspire others and advance Church mission.

Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 61 pages.

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