The State of Your Church

$ 39.00


The State of Your Church

A Clear Framework for Church Renewal

For decades, Barna has been tracking the state of the Church in America. And as we’ve watched the world change, it has become obvious that new metrics are needed to truly understand the impact and opportunities of a church ministry. 

While traditional metrics such as attendance and giving can be useful, they do little to assess how people are growing in key areas and coping with the difficult realities of life. 

That’s why Barna has partnered with Gloo to create The State of Your Church, which introduces new research—the culmination of both decades of work and recent study—focused on promoting flourishing people and thriving churches. 

It includes a new vision and framework for church leadership that empowers you to:

-Monitor your ministry more accurately 

-Focus your time and resources more intentionally

-And track your progress more empirically 

And it’s home to original writing from David Kinnaman and Dr. Glenn Packiam, along with Q&As featuring Bishop Claude Alexander, Ryan Burge, Jenni Clayville, Kadi Cole, Nancy Duarte, Tara Beth Leach, Rev. Dr. Brianna K. Parker, Nicholas Pearce, Scott Sauls, Ed Stetzer, Tyler VanderWeele, PH.D. and Ashley Wilcox.

In recent years, church ministry has been fraught with guesswork. And some of that is simply unavoidable. But with the right framework, it’s also possible for leaders to reduce uncertainty and trade in hunches for reliable facts and figures.  

For the Church to operate at its full potential, we need leaders who honestly and objectively evaluate the impact they are making—leaders who are in tune with the flourishing of the people they are serving and discipling.

Making that a reality requires new mindsets and methods. You’ll find both in this report.

Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 155 pages. 

Included in the Basic Ministry Kit:

-Digital copy of The State of Your Church research report (can be shared with up to 10 users)

-Barna's video presentation of The State of Your Church research findings

-A presenter's slide deck to help you share the findings with your team, organization and audience

-A discussion guide to help inspire honest conversations within your team

-Field guides to help you identify smart ways to apply what you're learning

Included in the Ultimate Ministry Kit:

-Digital copy of The State of Your Church research report (can be shared with up to 20 users)

-Barna's video presentations of The State of Your Church research findings

-Presenter's slide decks to help you share the findings with your team, organization and audience

-Discussion guides to help inspire honest conversations within your team

-Field guides to help you identify smart ways to apply what you're learning

 *Digital products are nonrefundable