Gen Z Trilogy

$ 99.00 $ 117.00


Gen Z Trilogy

In order to reach and disciple Gen Z, we first need to understand them. 

That’s why Barna and Impact 360 Institute have created three data-driven research reports to help you get to know this emerging generation and lead young people more effectively. 

Gen Z Volume 1 unpacks the culture, beliefs and motivations shaping today’s teenagers and young adults.

Gen Z Volume 2 takes a deeper look at Gen Z’s emotional lives, their relationship with technology and how they feel about faith and practice it.

Gen Z Volume 3 builds on insights from previous volumes and focuses on this crucial transition from teenage years to young adulthood. 

Normally, these three reports cost $117 for print copies and $87 for digital copies, but when you purchase them in this bundle, you can save 15%. 

With these data-driven resources, you can get to know today’s young people and discover new strategies for loving and leading those in your care.

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