The Bible in America
The Bible in America
Mapping Bible Engagement Across a Changing Culture
The Bible in America is a multiyear survey of attitudes toward and perceptions of the Bible, set against the backdrop of a changing cultural landscape. Commissioned by American Bible Society, Barna researchers have conducted more than 14,000 interviews with U.S. teens and adults since 2011 to discover:
-How do Americans define the Bible?
-Do they believe it is authoritative for their lives? And in what ways?
-What is the nation’s current state of biblical literacy?
-How often do people read, hear and study the Scriptures?
-What does the data suggest about the future of Bible engagement?
-How is technology changing the ways people relate to the Bible?
-Are there significant differences between generations or other demographic groups?
The findings reveal that orienting ourselves toward the Bible is one of the most urgent tasks for today’s Church. The Bible in America offers analysis, insights and encouragement to leaders who want to understand how people engage with the Scriptures today and how to cultivate biblical faith that lasts in an ever-changing world.
Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 176 pages.
*Digital products are nonrefundable
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