Restoring Relationships
Restoring Relationships
How Churches Can Help People Heal and Develop Healthy Connections
Relational crises happen to just about everybody at one time or another.
And anyone can experience challenges to their mental, emotional or relational health, such as:
Marital Issues, Unwanted Singleness, Parenting Issues, Struggles with Sexual Intimacy, Addiction, Anxiety/Depression, Pornography & Loneliness.
To minister effectively to people in the midst of these challenges, church leaders have to be informed. That’s why Barna has partnered with the Boone Center for the Family to bring you Restoring Relationships: How Churches Can Help People Heal and Develop Healthy Connections.
We created this report to answer key questions, including:
What is the state of relational health today? What specific emotional burdens are impacting people’s lives and relationships? Where do people turn for support with these challenges? How can churches help people receive grace where their relationships need it most?
We also collected data and expert insights to help church leaders minister to people in the midst of emotional and relational challenges.
More than half of all U.S. adults and practicing Christians say they have at least one such issue that impacts their most important relationships. If you’d like to be better equipped to come alongside people who are struggling, this report can help you help others.
Included in Ministry Kit:
-Print copy of the report
-Digital copy of the report (can be shared with up to 10 users)
-Presenter Slides
-Data presentation videos from Digital Summit
-Sermon Series Outline and Sermon Slide Template
Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 112 pages.
*Digital products are nonrefundable
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