Making Space for Millennials
Making Space for Millennials
Designed with Millennials in Mind
Many faith communities and Christian organizations are struggling with how to make space for Millennials—not just appealing space in their buildings and gathering places, but also space in their institutional culture, ministry models and leadership approach. This groundbreaking Barna Report, produced in partnership with Barna Group and Cornerstone Knowledge Network, is a handbook for turning information about Millennials into connections with Millennials in your church, school or organization.
Whether you are a pastor, an educator, a youth or young adult ministry leader, or a nonprofit or business leader, this resource is designed to help you make the most of your current and future partnerships with Millennials.
Use this book to:
-Discover the impact Millennials' values, allegiances and assumptions will have on your church
-Hear Millennials’ perspectives on worship and community spaces
-Learn from practitioners in each of the four design arenas—culture, ministry, leadership and facilities
-Gain valuable insights on how this generation views and relates to form and function
Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 128 pages.
*Digital products are nonrefundable
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