Faith for the Curious: Leader Course

$ 89.00


Faith for the Curious: Leader Course

Transform your church’s approach to evangelism with Faith for the Curious: Leaders Course. This course equips pastors and church staff with the tools and strategies to engage spiritual seekers authentically, fostering a church-wide culture of curiosity and openness.

What’s Included:

-Three in-depth video sessions led by Mark Matlock, Barna Senior Fellow.

-Insights from Barna’s latest research on spiritual curiosity.

-Actionable strategies to implement in your church’s ministry.

-Downloadable tools for team training and application.

Why Choose This Course?

-Reimagine evangelism strategies to meet people where they are.

-Lead your church with authenticity, empathy and wisdom.

-Equip your staff and teams to create a welcoming space for spiritual exploration.

Who It’s For:
Ideal for senior pastors, associate pastors, church ministry leaders and staff seeking to connect authentically with spiritually curious individuals.

Or, you can experience all of our courses, research reports and live trainings in Barna Access Plus— for only $19 a month. 

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