Beyond the Offering Plate | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]
Beyond the Offering Plate | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]
Vol. 5
Barna, Gloo and a collective of partners have come together to study the who, what, why and how of today’s giving landscape.
In Beyond the Offering Plate, the fifth volume of our State of Generosity Series, we’re sharing:
-How people view volunteering and other nonmonetary forms of generosity
-How these nonmonetary gifts are appreciated in comparison to financial gifts
-The perspectives and beliefs that seem to inspire volunteerism
-To what extent people are living out these values in daily life
When we think about generosity, our minds often focus on financial giving. But research is teaching us that most U.S. adults believe in a broader definition of generosity, one that includes nonmonetary giving such as emotional support, hospitality and volunteering.
Created in partnership with VOMO, this report is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of these trends and discover how to make the most of them in your unique ministry context.
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