Inside the Urban Church
Inside the Urban Church
The Work of the Urban Church Matters for the Whole Church
Churches in cities and urban neighborhoods represent congregations that are literally central to the activity and reputation of modern-day Christianity.
That’s why Barna has partnered with World Impact for this study of the influence and experiences of urban churches.
Inside the Urban Church paints a picture of the unique work being done in the city—to empower communities, to heal and restore and, ultimately, to share the gospel.
This important research:
-Spans eight major U.S. metropolitan areas
-Involves 2,000 survey respondents and eight focus groups
-Includes insights from multiple pastors, community leaders and civic leaders
Within the data, we see an institution that has a unique opportunity for interpersonal ministry that can build rapport, navigate differences and address deep needs.
This is invaluable work to the Church at large. But it also highlights gaps and opportunities that concern every Christian.
Go inside the urban Church for a glimpse of what could be in your city—and beyond.
Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 93 pages.
*Digital products are non-refundable
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