The Great Disconnect
The Great Disconnect
Discover new ways to engage your entire congregation in more effective missions strategies.
In recent years, data has shown that the Great Commission—one of Christ’s greatest commands for his followers—is losing steam.
To better understand this troubling trend, Barna partnered with Mission India to uncover the perceptions and behaviors affecting missions strategies within U.S. churches.
The result is a brand new report called The Great Disconnect: Reclaiming the Heart of the Great Commission in Your Church.
Our research focused on the key areas of Motivations, Methods and Money, and it revealed many misconceptions and inconsistencies in how Christians approach missionary work.
The Great Disconnect is designed to both equip and challenge church leaders to build an expanded, global view of missions within their churches and evaluate how God is calling their congregations to uniquely reach the unreached.
If you’re ready to understand and address the disconnects that are hindering the Great Commission, we encourage you to read this report.
Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 128 pages.
Included in the Ministry Kit:
-A print copy of The Great Disconnect research report
-Digital copy of The Great Disconnect research report (can be shared with up to 10 users)
-Barna's video presentation of The Great Disconnect research findings
-A presenter's slide deck to help you share the findings with your team, organization and audience
-Small group guides with Bible study, group discussion and personal reflection. Leaders guide and participants guide included
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