Porn Phenomenon

$ 39.00


Porn Phenomenon

The Porn Crisis is not Coming... It is Here

Pornography is pervasive, permeating our culture from shop windows to web ads, premium cable shows to smartphone apps. Where once it was kept literally under wraps, used furtively in secret and shame, porn is now a standard feature of everyday life, seen by most teens and young adults as less morally offensive than failing to recycle. 

The Porn Phenomenon is an assessment of the cultural place of pornography today, based on a survey of existing social science research and nearly 3,000 new interviews with U.S. teens, adults and Protestant church leaders.

Produced in partnership with Josh McDowell Ministry, you'll find The Porn Phenomenon study exposes the breadth and depth of porn's impact and shows that the Christian community can no longer ignore pornography's effects on the minds and hearts of the next generation.


Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 160 pages.

*Digital products are nonrefundable

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