Why Giving is Good | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]
Why Giving is Good | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]
Vol. 3
Barna, Gloo and a collective of partners have come together to study the who, what, why and how of today’s giving landscape.
In Why Giving Is Good, the third volume of our State of Generosity Series, we teamed up with Generous Giving to uncover:
-Different ways generous people benefit from their giving
-The surprising ripple effect generosity can have on others
-Reasons why Christians choose to be generous
-How data suggests generosity can become a learned skill
We live in a hurting and highly connected world, where people are routinely exposed to capital campaigns, nonprofit appeals, missions fundraising emails and crowdfunding pages for peers in need. Determining how and when to show up generously, as well as what is financially feasible and socially responsible, can feel overwhelming.
In this report, we’re attempting to cut through the haze by looking at something more fundamental: Why giving is good.
We’re confident this report will inform and inspire people who are interested in giving, church leaders looking for direction as they wade into what might feel like muddy discipleship territory and organizations who rely on givers and need guidance on how to stand out and spark heartfelt, sustained generosity.
Format: digital. Full color, infographics, 43 pages.
*Digital products are nonrefundable
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