The State of Pastors, Volume 1
The State of Pastors, Volume 1
How Are Our Spiritual Leaders Doing?
The challenges of pastoring in the 21st century are significant. Are spiritual leaders ready, willing, and able? The State of Pastors contains the findings of a comprehensive, whole-life assessment of U.S. pastors, commissioned by Pepperdine University.
The State of Pastors reveals where church leaders are most in need of healing and encouragement, and offers hopeful counsel for pastors (and those who love them) that are seeking greater health as they continue to answer God’s call.
We interviewed pastors on:
-Their own mental, physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual well-being
-The health of their relationships with family and church members
-Their ministry’s overall health and effectiveness
-How they are received as a leader by their local community
-Their support system, including mentors, friends, and fellow ministers
-How well their gifts align with their pastoral responsibilities
Included in the Church Kit:
-Print copy of the report
-Digital copy of the report (can be shared with up to 10 users)
-Presenter Slides
-Video interview with Kara Powell and Rebekah Layton on pastors and their teams
Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 176 pages.
*Digital products are nonrefundable
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