Investing in the Future | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]
Investing in the Future | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]
Vol. 9
Barna, Gloo, and a collective of partners have come together to study the who, what, why, and how of today’s giving landscape.
Our world is hurting, and for the Church to respond comprehensively, people of all ages have contributions to make. From Gen Z to Elders, generations need to come together to bring a unique blend of compassion and consistency to the needs facing our neighborhoods, our congregations and the world.
In Investing in the Future, the ninth volume of our State of Generosity Series, we’re sharing a fresh vision for generosity that bridges generational differences.
This kind of collaboration isn’t just about maintaining donations; our analysis suggests it can also be key to:
-Producing resilient faith in young people that stands up to the tests of time and the challenges of our age
-Helping older people deepen their confidence in their ability to make a lasting impact and nurture life-giving relational roots
-Establishing mentorships that foster empathy in elders and prepare the next generation to step into their vocation and calling
-Painting a more holistic picture of what it means to be a wise, consistent steward and to make a difference
We hope these findings, brought to you in partnership with Gloo and Kingdom Advisors, give you a grounded understanding of donors’ financial priorities in the present and their generous potential for the future.
The data points to areas of growth for old and young supporters alike, as well as the leaders who are coaching and discipling them. It also confirms that generosity can be taught and deepened across generations, and that it’s worth the effort to be creative and curious about bridging the gaps between them.
Format: digital. Full color, infographics, 41 pages.
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