Growing Together

$ 12.99


Growing Together

Discover how God can use discipleship to nurture a resilient faith in you and the people you love 

More than half of Christians feel their faith is entirely private. But according to Barna’s research, spirituality loves company—and going solo means missing out on greater fulfillment in faith and in friendship.

Jesus modeled a powerfully different approach, one where Christianity is practiced and deepened in community. In today’s society, this may seem like a tough task—but you’re not alone on this journey.

That’s why Barna Group has partnered with The Navigators to create a new book called Growing Together: A Three-Part Guide for Following Jesus and Bringing Friends on the Journey.

Through careful research, we studied three crucial topics:

-How Discipleship Can Transform Your Life

-What Day-to-Day Discipleship Can Look Like

-Why You’re More Ready Than You Think for Disciplemaking

The result is a guidebook filled with statistics, stories, insights from everyday disciplemakers and opportunities for self-reflection. We’ve designed it to be carried around, marked up and even passed along.

If you’re ready to deepen your own faith and help others do the same, we created Growing Together for you.

Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 138 pages.

Included in the Ministry Kit:

-Print copy of Growing Together

-Digital copy of Growing Together (can be shared with up to 10 users)

-Presenter Slides

-Video Resources

A 20-minute presentation of key research findings from the Barna team

A short training that unpacks practical ways church leaders can use Growing Together in their various ministries and individual faith journeys

-10 Things to Keep in Mind When Building Disciplemakers checklist

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