Christians at Work
Christians at Work
How Do We Integrate Faith & Work?
Conducted in partnership with Abilene Christian University, this study explores how people experience a sense of purpose through their professional lives, with a close look at the Christians who appear to successfully integrate their faith and their work.
It’s never been more important for people of faith at all levels of the marketplace to consider what they’re made to do and for pastors to provide effective vocational discipleship for these individuals. Christians at Work is a resource that leaves the Church better equipped to do both.
Featured Content:
-Analysis and application from the Barna team and thought leaders on the subject of faith & work
-Infographics showing how stage of life, faith practice and personal intention affect Christians’ vocational experiences
-An introduction to faith-work Integrators, Compartmentalizers and Onlookers
-Candid conversations with exemplars, including Makoto Fujimura, Jo Saxton, Bethany Jenkins, Jeff Shinabarger and more
Format: paperback, digital. Full color, infographics, 128 pages.
*Digital products are nonrefundable
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