Tech-Wise Suite

$ 249.00 $ 330.00


Tech-Wise Suite

Save on 6 Resources for Using Technology More Intentionally 

Based on the bestselling book The Tech-Wise Family, Barna has partnered with Andy Crouch to create a suite of resources for leaders who want to approach technology with wisdom in a year when most of us are spending significantly more time on our devices. 

Here are the 6 resources you’ll find inside the Tech-Wise Suite:

Tech-Wise Church Course will help pastors use technology to foster connection and discipleship in their churches, instead of distracting from it. 

Tech-Wise Teams Course will help leaders work more efficiently with their people and create a more relational work environment.

Tech-Wise Family Course will help leaders strengthen relationships in their own homes and equip the families in their congregations to design home-lives where technology plays a supporting role instead of a consuming role. 

The Tech-Wise Family print book will instill a firm foundation for making conscientious choices about technology. It’s a great entry point into the courses, which focus on specific aspects of tech-wise living. 

My Tech-Wise Life print book connects on a teen-to-teen level and shares how intentional use of technology can help teens avoid many negative experiences, while cultivating strength and wisdom.

The Households of Faith print research report presents a vivid portrait of the domestic lives of U.S. practicing Christians. How we order our days and connect with relatives and housemates is a critical aspect of spiritual growth. And this report, produced in partnership with Lutheran Hour Ministries, provides vital principles to strengthen followers of Christ in their own homes. 

Purchased individually, these resources would normally cost over $330. But inside The Tech-Wise Suite, you can get them all for only $249.

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