The Open Generation Bundle
The Open Generation Bundle
The Open Generation project is the largest study Barna has ever conducted in its 38-year history, created to help church leaders better understand teenagers around the world.
Based on 25,000 interviews in 26 countries, we have created a three-part series of research reports.
Volume 1 — How Teens Around the World Relate to Jesus
In this first volume, we explore teens’ perceptions of and affection for Jesus. The results include both encouraging tendencies to build on and some concerning gaps that churches and Christian leaders have an opportunity to address.
Volume 2 — How Teens Around the World View the Bible
In this second volume, we explore how the Bible relates to global teens’ views of the world and how they live in it. We journey from what teens think about the Bible to how they engage with and apply scripture, noting some of the factors that make Bible engagement more likely or impactful.
Volume 3 — How Teens Around the World Can Make an Impact
In this third and final volume, we explore how a famously activism-oriented generation perceives important matters of justice in the world—and how a relationship with Jesus and the Bible can impact this perspective.
This massive undertaking would not have been possible without the support of our partners—Alpha, Biblica and World Vision—or without the additional support provided by Christian Vision, Bible Study Fellowship, Christ in Youth and the Association of Christian Schools International.
We encourage you to start learning from one or all of these research reports today.
*Digital products are nonrefundable
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